About me

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My name is Nicola and I am a 2nd year nursing student at the University of Nottingham. This blog is centered around my Erasmus exchange program to Stavanger, Norway.

I have a background in sports science before starting nursing, generally I am a bit of a health and fitness fanatic. I can often be found running, mostly cross country and trail if at all possible. Rugby, athletics, rowing and martial arts tend to the sports that I will gravitate to most in terms of spectating. I rowed for a few years and I can safely say that that was the fittest I have ever been.

Bit of a film fanatic, mostly action and those based on true events. Though I will hold my hand up to a love of Disney. I have a rather eclectic range in music taste…anything from drum and bass to classical and rock. Slight guilty pleasure in most things chocolate related (one reason I run  so much, need to offset it somewhere). Most of the books I read are either autobiographical/biographical (sport related theme) or crime. Bit of a fan of period drama and I can probably recite pride and prejudice given half the chance.

Other interests include the theater and dance, politics and current affairs plus photography (more the awe of other peoples, I am not in anyway shape or form a photographer myself).


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